KCF has conducted two open calls, resulting in 12 awarded grantees throughout Kosovo. Proud of these achievements, KCF invites you to learn more about the grantees by exploring the interactive map.

Technician for Autonomous Systems
Vocational Training Provider:
Universum College
Partnering Enterprises:
- Zetta SHPK
- Code Tech
- Apetit Group
- Kivo LLC
- Fluidi Group
- Viva Fresh
- Uje Dea
- Moea
Project: Systematization of Speech
and Language Therapy Training
and Employment in Kosovo
Project: Dual construction vocational
Project: Simulation Temple
Project: Boosting enterprise
competitiveness through
enhancement of employability
skills of VET students in ICT sector
Project: Establishment of the
laboratory for auto mechanic within
Anton Cetta vocational training school
Project: Woodwork with the newest
technology working machines-
CNC (Architecture and interior design
laboratory), Metalwork - CNC with
five-axis numerical control for
plasma cutting (CAD programs
Project: Raising the school's
capacities and improving the
students' skills towards the
implementation of the dual
Vocational Training Provider:
Economic Secondary School
"Hasan Prishtina"
Partnering Enterprises:
SPA CENTER SH.P.K - Aqua Park Lin Projekt SHPK
- Restaurant ANTIKA SHPK
Project: Developing the skills
of food technology profile
students along with the
demands of the labor market
Vocational Education Provider:
Economic High School
"Kadri Kusari"
Partnering Enterprises:
- Golaj SHPK
- Geli SHPK
- Freskia NPT
Project: Raising students
competencies based on the
needs of the labor market
through on-the-job training
for the hospitality and
gastronomy sector
Project: Upskilling metal workers
Project: Professional
preparation of students for
Vocational Education Provider:
Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale
,,Jonuz Zejnullahu"
Partnering Enterprises:
- SH.P.K. ,,VINEX"
- P.P.Z. ,,EDONI"