How to apply
Eligible consortia of vocational training institutes and enterprises interested in funding investments in equipment and infrastructure for VET providers that engage or plan to engage in cooperative training are invited to follow the schedule of Open Calls for Expression of Interest.
- Check via link below for the date of Open call for Expression of Interest and deadline for submission.
Kindly note that applications sent before the indicated timeline of the open calls and after the indicated deadlines will not be considered.
Application and selection process
The application and selection process is implemented by means of a two-stage approach.
In the first stage, any interested and eligible consortium expresses interest by submitting an Expression of Interest. During the EoI appraisal process, formal eligibility is checked (the application was received by the deadline, the provided information is accurate, consortium partners are only represented once per call and have not received funding more than once in previous calls, etc.). The proposals are then evaluated by selection experts based on predefined eligibility criteria.
If an Expression of Interest is accepted, the applicant is invited to apply for a grant and to submit a comprehensive project proposal within 60 days of receiving notice that their EoI was accepted.
The project proposal is first checked against the formal criteria (whether the application is complete, all required documents have been submitted, etc.). In the second stage of the appraisal process, the three selection experts from the international pool of VET experts will individually and independently evaluate the project proposals based on the selection criteria concerning the concept, ambition, and feasibility of the project proposal.
After a proposal is approved, a funding agreement is negotiated and closed between the KCF and the pre-selected VET consortium, led by the VTIs as the main beneficiaries.
The overall grant application and selection process consists of the following elements
Receipt of Expression of Interest
Appraisal of the submitted Eol: eligibility check
Project proposal submission upon approval of the Eol
Appraisal of the submitted project proposals
Negotiation of funding agreement
Resubmission of unsuccessful applications is possible within certain limitations. The respective consortium is entitled to resubmit a modified proposal (2nd attempt) at the forthcoming KCF call or by a defined deadline. Third attempts to submit a modified version of the initial proposal will not be considered.