Project: Raising the school’s capacities and improving the students’ skills towards the implementation of the dual system

Leading Applicant

Economic Secondary School "Hasan Prishtina"

Location: Mitrovica

Ownership: Public

About the project

The purpose of the project proposal is to strengthen the quality and importance of educational programs and the labor market as a prerequisite for employability and economic development of the community.

To achieve its specific objective, the project aims to:

  • Improving the quality of teaching and learning in VET related to professional practice, the needs of the community and the labor market;
  • To increase the knowledge, competence and professional skills of students in relation to the learning outcomes of the curriculum.
  • To develop the knowledge, competences and skills of VET teachers
  • A VET school equipped with modern equipment necessary for practical learning, to provide VET training to meet the needs of the labor market and industry
  • Provide and complete training and teaching material for VET regarding the use of new equipment
  • Increase and implement MVP and evaluation in VET and business.
    The main focus of this project is to support the school in providing, evaluating, and certifying these profiles supported by WBL in businesses, divided into roles such as:

The school plans to renovate a part of the adequate space for the implementation of the program, and technical support with equipment and materials needed for specific programs.

The support of this project will strengthen the school in relation to the establishment of cooperation with businesses, strengthening the possibility of increasing the quality of delivery and evaluation of programs, skills and competencies, and increasing employment as well.

Partnering Enterprises

Location: Mitrovica

Location: Mitrovica

Economic Sector

  • Trade
  • Hospitality and Tourism

Occupations to be trained

  • Chef
  • Waiter
  • Restaurant/hotelier manager/assistant
  • Cook/ assistant