The KCF supports projects that are jointly implemented by vocational training institutes and partnering enterprises that engage, or plan to engage, in cooperative training activities. They can receive support for developing new programmes or expanding and improving existing training offers. The grants are allocated to consortia that have successfully passed the two-step competitive selection process.
The KCF provides financial and accompanying support to the selected consortia for:
- Workshop infrastructure and equipment for training facilities within the VTIs
- Training of VTI teachers, in-company trainers and cooperative training coordinators (in VTIs and enterprises) required for the implementation of the funded training programme
- Advisory support during the planning and implementation of the project
Benefits expected for participating vocational training institutions
- Improved relevance and quality of the VET programme
- Modern equipment and/or technology for work-based learning
- Improved internal infrastructure relevant for cooperative vocational training
- Skilled VET teachers, trained in line with business needs
- Better image of the VET and the institution itself within the community
- Possible higher enrolment rate of interested students
Benefits for participating enterprises
- Increased availability of workers with skills that meet the enterprises’ demands
- Trainees experienced in operating the equipment and technology used in the enterprise
- Decreased costs of training processes
- Decreased costs of recruitment
- Potential to plan growth strategy based on realistic predictions on workforce availability
- Improved preconditions for compliance with internal occupational health and safety procedures
- Participation demonstrates corporate social responsibility and positions enterprises as “good citizens”
…and all of these benefits leading to….
- Improved productivity, competitiveness and innovativeness of the businesses
Benefits for the learners
- Participation in a modernised training programme
- Acquiring practical and relevant skills
- Improved preconditions for employment
- Improved income opportunities in the labour market