KCF: Helping Businesses Find Skilled Workforce
While Kosovo’s economy is driven by micro, small, and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), which provide 99% of employment in the country, enterprises find it difficult to recruit qualified youth. Around 50% of students in upper secondary schools attend one of the 67 public VET schools in Kosovo and face the reality of unemployment due to the […]
Projects proposed for financing after the KCF second call
The Kosovo Challenge Fund’s Second Call for Expressions of Interest, which was open from November 21, 2022, to February 3, 2023, invited applications from consortia comprised of vocational training institutes and enterprises in Kosovo engaged in cooperative Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes leading to nationally recognized certifications. During the initial stage of the call, […]
Project proposed for financing after the first KCF call
The Kosovo Challenge Fund opened the First Call for Expressions of Interest from April 15th until June 13th 2021, and received 23 applications from consortia of vocational training institutes and enterprises from Kosovo. The eligibility and compliance checks based on the predefined eligibility criteria resulted in shortlisting 9 consortia. These consortia were further invited to prepare the full project […]